I am thankful today to know that one of my projects is now coming to fruition. I learned this past week that my doctoral dissertation will be published by a rather fast growing evangelical publishing company, known as Wipf and Stock publishers out of Eugene, Oregon. When I wrote this book to fulfill the requirements of the degree, I intentionally wrote it in such a way that it would be readable and usable not simply for academic minds, but I wrote it in a user friendly manner for the local church. I’ve never really talked about this that much, because I never wanted my discussion of it to seem self-serving or to be viewed as some kind of boast. But I do believe that God led me to write it. Perhaps in an upcoming blog I will share the gist of its contents – but in short, it talks about how God’s love in seen in the practice of church discipline. But right now I just want to praise the Lord for this, and to remind each of you that perseverance, patience, and a hard work ethic pays off, no matter what God has called you to do. If you do it with the motive of glorifying God rather than to simply make a name for yourself, then I believe God has a way of using it in His own way and in His own time. Just be faithful friend, and let God take care of the rest.
(The picture above is my brother-in-law Seth playing with my two sons Joshua and Andrew at the beach -- evidently they are working on a project of their own.)
I am so incredibly proud of you, my dear. And thankful to God for His unfailing love!
Thanks Eric...I needed that reminder to just be faithful and let God do the rest. He is faithful, is he not? Congrats on such a blessing from the Lord. I know how hard you worked!!! Thank you for being a testimony of faithfulness.
Great job! Thank you for reminding me to continue the race that God has planned for me, and to lean on Him when I feel I can't reach the finish line. And always...thank you for being an awesome Shepherd to us at CCC! We are so blessed!
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