Good question. It is a phrase that is tossed around like popcorn in
Christian circles. “It is our goal to glorify God in everything we do.” That
phrase seems a little elusive until one understands what it really means.
Initially, it leads us to ask the questions: why does God need to be glorified?
Is He arrogant? Is He prideful? Is He missing something that He needs to get
from us so that He feels better about Himself?
All of these questions are based on a false premise. They stem primarily
from human experience, and in asking them this way we are projecting back on
God things that we know are true from human life in a sinful world. The reality
is, God is completely perfect and sufficient and is not in need of anything
outside of himself. This is not true for us, for we are wholly dependent on
outside sources for our very survival. We are dependent on food and water and
air to breathe. God has no need for any of those things. He is perfect and
deserving of all worship and praise since he is the source of all things (Col.
So then, to say that we need to glorify God, we are not saying that we need
to add something to God that is lacking in His who He is, as if He is empty and
needy and is in dire need for others to revere Him so that He can become more
complete. Nor is it to say that God has any sinful pride that needs fed. He is
Ok then, what are we saying? What does it mean to glorify God? Simply put, to
glorify God is to praise and worship Him for who He is and to enhance is His reputation
above anything else in the universe. Thus, the Westminster Confession
(a reformed statement of faith adopted by the Church of England in 1646) states
clearly that the “chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
This says something about God and it says something about us.
What it says about God is that He alone is the One who is worthy of worship,
adoration, and praise. He is the center of the universe and
the purpose of all life. But it also says something about us and that is this:
we are by nature designed and created for God’s glory, and so all that we do
and say ought to be done towards that purpose. We live not for ourselves, but
for Him.
Consider these two Scriptures:
“Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth --
everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed
and made." Isaiah
43:6-7, NIV
“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see
your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16, NIV (some versions
translate it as, “glorify your Father who is in heaven.”,
which is more accurate according to the Greek. Sometimes the NIV lightens
things a bit).
So you and I exist for the select purpose of glorifying God, to enhance His
reputation. We were made to worship Him, to revere Him, to find our primary
sense of fulfillment and purpose in nothing else than in Him alone. That’s why
we were made. Simple. In a crude illustration, if we want someone’s reputation
be known or enhanced we talk that person up. We tell others about that person.
We might make signs and billboards and do things that will get others to notice
the person whose reputation we want to accentuate. (Dare I say, it’s like
putting a sign in your yard to promote a candidate for office.) This leads me
to my second point.
According to Jesus in Matthew 5, every good deed we perform ought to be
designed towards enhancing the reputation of God. Every action, no matter how
small. In fact Paul went much further. Not only our good deeds ought to do
this, but practically everything should be for this purpose. Paul said in 1
Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it
all for the glory of God.” That’s pretty comprehensive.
John Piper calls glorifying God a “joyful duty.” Well said. This is not a
command made to make us miserable, but in actuality, we are never more
satisfied and fulfilled than when we are bent towards glorifying God. Like John
the Baptist said, “He must become greater, I must become less.” More of Jesus,
less of me. And when that starts to happen, then I will find the real me, the
“me” God created me to be.
So how does this affect my everyday life? How does the command to glorify
God impact my attitudes, actions, conversations, dreams, goals, and
I am reminded of the old hymn that we used to sing (and still do), which
says “turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the
things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”
If a person is striving to glorify God in everything they do, and wants to
commit themselves to that end, then as they rely upon the Holy Spirit to help
them change, there will be noticeable attitudes and actions that will begin to
emerge. The things of this world will hold less appeal in comparison to “seeing
and savoring” God.
Our goal is to develop an all-consuming “God-centeredness” to our lives. It
is a focus that will gradually lead us towards a mindset that seeks to abandon
the focus on the self (self-centeredness, selfishness, and
self-sufficiency). In some older theological writings, this is the idea of
“self mortification,” or just plain “mortification.” It is dying to one’s self
by putting to death the misdeeds of the body (Rom. 8:13), something we can only
do with the help and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
So point one is this: in order to glorify God in my life I must be
committed to doing away with or putting aside the things in my life that put
the focus on or feed the desires of the sinful self. Those things are
nothing but roadblocks that prevent others from seeing Christ in me. And how
could God’s fame and reputation be enhanced by my life if I am involved in
things that prevent others from seeing Christ in me?
So first practical application – commit myself to forsaking any known sin.
Examine my heart. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal it to me. Confess. Admit.
Forsake. Stay away. Maybe even have someone else ask me and hold me accountable
to it (a rather mature thing to do). This is essentially, repentance, which in
itself glorifies God by putting the spotlight on the cross, where Jesus paid
for sin. It is strange to think this, but yes indeed, a place where God was
glorified was on the cross. Such a wrathful event also glorified God at the same
time. And since Christ paid for my sin, then I in response should be willing to
forsake it (see Romans 6).
Point two is this: in order to glorify God in my life, I must discover
what God’s will for my life is and pursue it. This obviously includes
point one above, but more than that, it is a commitment to understanding the
positive character shaping power of the Holy Spirit as well as to commit myself
to certain actions/activities that are designed by nature to exalt and glorify
For example:
“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”I Thessalonians 5:16-18
I was in campus ministry for many years, and whenever a college student came
up to me and told me they were struggling to know God’s will for their life
this is where I would point them. For how could one be in a position to know
the unknown and future will of God (regarding specifics) for their life when
they have not first committed themselves to living the already revealed
will of God for their lives? Wisdom comes from discernment, and discernment
comes from being spiritually disciplined in what God has already said is
clearly His will for your life.
So living and pursuing God’s will for one’s life is a means of glorifying
God. Study and memorize Scripture, pray heartfelt prayers often, fellowship
with other believers, serve others, be joyful and thankful, use your giftedness
to encourage and build up the church. Live sacrificial lives, giving
generously. As you do these things, you will find that the Holy Spirit will
empower you for them and in the process will develop your character to become
more like Jesus, which is the end goal of the Christian life – Christlikeness.
And Christlikeness in a person’s life is glorifying to God.
This all may seem simple. Well, guess what? It is. It’s supposed to be. The
Christian life is simplicity – simple satisfaction in Christ and less
attachment to the world. Fixing minds on things above and not on earthly
things. Dying to self and living for God, commiting oneself to obedience,
walking in faith, trusting in God for all things. Living a life of love.
Serving. If a person tries to make the Christian life more complicated than
that, then stay away from that person – they may have an unhealthy interest in
man-made rules and traditions that make one look more spiritual than they
really are. You just stick to the basics, and let God get the credit for
But still, isn’t there more application than this? Listen, if you are walking with the Lord and
are testing everything, forsaking known sin, reading the Word and letting it
shape you, praying regularly, serving others out of love and joy, then guess
who it is who is shaping the desires of your heart? God is. And God’s will for
your life is being realized naturally. Simple? Yes, simple.
Note the Scripture below:
“…continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is
God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Philippians 2:12b-13
If you are working “out” your salvation as described above, then you need to
understand that God is working at the same time, and he is the One who is (dare
I say, “causing”) you to have certain desires and to perform certain actions
that are in keeping with His will and that in the end will bring glory to God.
Ask yourself the following in the following areas:
1) Attitudes – does my attitude about something reflect God’s
priorities in life or my sinful ones? Is my attitude shaped more by
circumstances or by the internal relationship and trust that I have placed in
Christ who reigns over me? Is my attitude similar to the selfless attitude that
Christ had (see Philippians 2)?
2) Actions – is what I’m doing more inclined to enhance my
reputation or God’s? This kind of gets to motives, which will always reveal
itself eventually in actions. Are my actions then in keeping with the behavior
and good works that exalt the name of Christ – because really, He has prepared
some things for me to do that are specifically designed for that purpose (Eph
3) Conversations – does this conversation build up others? Will it
help someone else be inspired towards pursuing the things of God? Now wait
here, aren’t some conversation neutral? Like isn’t it great that the Cubs are
in first place? Well, yes, we can talk about that – and that conversation may
not inspire someone to pursue the things of God, but indirectly it is building
commonality, friendship, enjoyment of life, communication, and all those things
are good – gifts of God I say.
Perhaps more specifically here we can just watch to make sure that no
“…unwholesome talk comes out of our mouths but only what is helpful for
building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who
listen.” - Ephesians 4:29
That seems to be a good rule of thumb for knowing if I am glorifying God in
this area of my life.
4) Dreams and goals – pursuing what you know God has designed you
and gifted you to do is a major aspect of glorifying God. For example, I know a
person whose gift is singing, and the more she pursues and uses it the more her
gift gives testimony to God’s glory since He is the one who gave her the gift
in the first place. So in doing what we are good at and doing it in such a way
that it has a positive impact on others is all a way to glorify God with your
life. Just remember, when we use our gifts we are “faithfully administering
God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10).
5) Relationships – committing yourself to purity, considering
others as better than yourself, serving someone else with a sacrificial love
that seeks to cause them to grow (Ephesians 5:25ff). All this is glorifying to
God. Taking an interest in the spiritual growth of others is a priority that is
often missed among many Christians today. But it is one of the main reasons why
we exist – especially as a church.
All this is what it means to glorify God – to point everything to Christ and
to encourage others in such a way that they do the same. Even being good
stewards of creation is a way to glorify God because we are valuing what God
has made, which places value on God himself as its author.
If you take the advice of John the Baptist, “He [that being Christ]must
increase, and I must decrease,” then you are on the right path to what it means
to glorify God. It is the greatest life in the world. Fulfilling, and
ultimately rewarding – if not in this life, then surely the life to come.
*This post is a revision of a two part previous post from 2008 but in the fuller form.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
A Quick Biblical Theology of Angels
A Brief Look at Angels in the Bible – an Overview Summary
Angels are created, spiritual beings with moral judgement
and high intelligence, but without physical bodies. (Wayne Grudem)
1. They are created
beings – Read Colossians 1:16, Nehemiah 9:6
2. They exercise moral judgement – some sinned and fell from their
positions (2 Pet. 2:4)
3. They have high
intelligence – they are able to speak to people and sing praise to God.
4. Angels are spirits and
do not ordinarily have physical bodies
– (Hebrews 1:14 , Luke 24:39). In their ordinary activities of protecting
and ministering and worshiping God they are invisible.
However, from time to time angels took on bodily form to appear to various people in Scripture, (Matthew 28:2-5; Hebrews 13:2), this should be regarded as exceptions.
Other names for angels: holy ones, heavenly host,
watchers, sons of God, thrones, dominions, principalities, authorities, powers.
How many?
They are innumerable, myriads of myriads, thousands upon thousands.
Do they have names? Apparently
so, but there are only two angels named in Scripture.
Gabriel – spoke to Daniel, and Mary; Michael – Daniel 10:12-14
Jude 9, Rev. 12:7-8
Gabriel – spoke to Daniel, and Mary; Michael – Daniel 10:12-14
Jude 9, Rev. 12:7-8
Do they have ranks? Apparently,
Michael is called an archangel, and chief prince.
The archangel will sound the trumpet at the Parousia, and fights the Dragon and his angels in Revelation. (See also Colossians 1:16)
Are there different kinds of Angels?
other types mentioned:
A) Cherubim -- guard the entrance to
Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:24); cherubim
figures were on top of the ark of the covenant (Ex. 25:22).
B) Seraphim – angels that continually
worship God (Isa. 6:2-7)
C) The Living Creatures – Heavenly beings
around God’s throne (Ezek. 1:5-14; Revelation (4:8) Their appearance is said to
be like a lion, an ox, a man, and an eagle.
Do we have Guardian Angels?
There is
an idea of general protection (Psalm 91:11-12) and ministering to all God’s
people (Hebrews 1:14 ).
There is no overwhelming support for the idea of individual guardian angels.
Any assertions about that are extra-biblical speculation.
Angels Do Not Marry
taught that in heaven, we will be like the angels in heaven, who “neither marry
nor are given in marriage.” (Matt.
22:30; Luke 20:34-36)
Angel Power
mighty ones, who have greater might and power than rebellious human beings (2
Peter 2:11), we are temporarily made lower than the heavenly beings (Heb 2:7),
the angels do battle against Satan and his demons in Revelation, but when we
receive our glorified bodies we will be in a position higher than the angels,
for we will judge them (1 Cor. 6:3)
In the OT, there is someone who is at times called “the angel of the LORD,” not “an angel of the LORD.” Several passages suggest that this angel is
God himself taking on temporary form to appear briefly to human beings.
appears to Hagar (Genesis 16:10 -13)
appears to Jacob in a dream (Gen. 31:11-13)
appears to Moses in the burning bush as the angel. (Ex. 3:2,6)
are instances of the angel of the LORD or the angel of God appearing as God
himself, perhaps more specifically as God the Son taking on a human body for a
short time in order to appear to human beings.”
(Grudem, 401)
At other
times the angel of the Lord seems to be distinguished from God (2 Sam. 24:16;
Psalm 34:7; Zech. 1:11 -13)
and passages that mention “an angel
from God” usually indicate an angel sent by God. Context is the key to interpretation.
are heavenly beings created by God to help fulfill his purposes in redemption,
they are ministering spirits sent to help us in all our ways, they are powerful
warriors against evil, they worship and glorify forever their Creator in
holiness. They are glorious in appearance when allowed by God to be seen.
We are
commanded not to worship them (Colossians 2:18 ; Revelation 19:10 ),
we should not pray to them (1 Tim. 2:5 – only one mediator), the Bible does not
command us to seek after them, but rather we should “seek the Lord.” They are
more active than we realize, they live forever, and apparently have a unique
interest in the salvation plan of God for humankind (1 Peter 1:12 ).
Friday, May 10, 2013
Reasons to Fear Monkeys
Eric J. Bargerhuff, Ph.D. &
Scott Swain, Ph.D.
following list comes after much reflection and despair over the nature of those
things we call monkeys. As children growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, we had
many reasons to fear these beasts. And even today, as this list will show,
there is still warrant for such fear.
TOP TEN and then some
1. The Wizard of Oz – those flying monkeys that make weird sounds and carry you off to
nether land.
2. Viet Cong Guerilla Warfare – What a frightening phrase. We heard this on the
news when we were little, and for all we knew they did nothing but kill us in
the middle of the night.
3. King Kong – he grabs people and can even climb tall buildings to get you.
4. The Planet of the Apes – here is the ultimate fear! They are monkeys that
ride horses, can talk in English, rule the world, and hunt down and shoot human
5. Donkey Kong – even in our video games as kids we were afraid of the monkeys who
sought to destroy a poor innocent Italian guy named Mario.
6. Abominable Snowman – no one knows what this thing is, but surely he has to be a monkey.
Like that guy on the Rudolph the Rednose reindeer claymation show; We don’t
care if he had a tooth problem that the dentist fixed, or that he was able to
put a star on the top of the tree. He’s terrifying.
7. Grape Ape – a large bass-voice animal with swinging arms. A cartoon from the
early 80’s.
8. “Monkey see, Monkey do” – many of us were reminded as kids that this is how
our sin nature works.
9. Monkeys at Zoos – they are hyper, they scream loud at you, and if you get too close
they bite (and throw poo at you).
10. “Monkeying Around” – again, a phrase that our parents used to describe
our sin nature. Similar to #8.
11. Monkey Pox – the disease speaks for itself.
The Only Positive
Monkey on Record
He is our hope that the
whole mess of them are not spawns of the devil.
This list comes a result of
much late night reflection among friends while doing a doctoral degree.
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